Please stop by our booth and say HELLO to our Veterans!

Tuesday, August 6, 2024 5-8PM

We express our gratitude to the City of San Gabriel for inviting us to participate in the Independence Day Celebration. Our supporters who visited our booth are greatly appreciated. We enjoyed selling popcorn and distributing American flags.

Thank you to Paul Carranza, adjutant and Alvin Martinez, Commander to Squadron 139, SONS of the Alhambra American Legion Post 139 for their generous donation.

Support the SGVMC!

Join us for another plate full of joy, and remembrance, a Breakfast FUNDRAISER at Applebee’s. Tickets available at our booth during the City of San Gabriel’s, Independence Day Celebration on July 3rd at Gabrielino High School.

Saturday, May 25, San Gabriel Plaza Park. Inaugural Memorial Day Ceremony of Remembrance honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country with a “Field of Heroes” display of 200 flags.

San Gabriel Police Department Color Guard

With City Council and US Congresswoman Judy Chu

Veterans’ Memorial Coalition Welcome Table

With City Council and California State Assemblyman Ted Lieu

With City Council and Sandra Armenta Lopez, representing California State Senator Susan Rubio

Memorial Day, a day to remember our Veterans who gave their all! We are grateful to our local community supporters who have honored, and never forgotten our Veterans and their Families. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.

April 25, 2024

Coolidge School

“For Your Honor”

Student Assembly

Students learned from our San Gabriel Veterans Coalition veterans what it means to serve their country in the Armed Forces, received their own American flags, and learned flag etiquette. Thank you, Students and Staff of San Gabriel Coolidge School, for your warm welcome and enthusiasm for this event!

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Spring Dance

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Fund-raiser breakfast at Applebee’s Alhambra

Photos by Michael Cervantes

Friday, November 10, 2023

August 7, 2023

Purple Heart Day

Honoring Those Wounded or Killed While Serving our Country and Defending our Freedoms

August 1, 2023

San Gabriel Police Department

National Night Out

July 4, 2023

San Gabriel Independence Day Parade and Kidfest

Every day 22 veterans commit suicide. The Warriors Art Project in conjunction with Mission 22 conducts this activity to bring to the public consciousness the on-going tragedy that every day, at least 22 veterans commit suicide.. On June 24, 22 San Gabriel military veterans painted American flags to honor our fallen military brothers and sisters.

June 24, 2023

San Gabriel Veterans’

Art in the Park

Coalition Board of Directors present our Dream to the San Gabriel City Council

Daniel Tovar

Raymond Diaz

Sonia Villaseñor

Richard Cervantes

Debbie Cordero

June 6, 2023

San Gabriel City Council Meeting

Daniel Acosta

Theresa Justiniani

Presentations begin at the 28:05 mark in the video

Saturday, May 27, 2023

San Gabriel Veterans’ Memorial Coalition was honored to be present in support of this worthy tribute to the families of the Fallen.

l-r: Danny Acosta, Debbie Cordero, Danny Tovar, Theresa Olivas Justiniani. Present but not in photo: Ray Diaz, Tony Higuera, and Art Hernandez

Early birds line up for the 50-50 drawing

Ready to celebrate!

Smile for the camera!

West Covina VFW Post 8620 Commander George Ogden hands SGVMC Board Member Danny Mireles his post’s donation of $1,000 to the Veterans’ Memorial. The post also donated more than 200 American flag which we will hand out to San Gabriel residents and visitors on July 4.





Monica (right) with SGVMC Secretary Theresa Justiniani

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Scenes from the Inaugural Memorial Day Dance

Everyone on the dance floor!

Groovin’ on a Sunday afternoon

Representative from the Veterans’ administration presents commemorative pins to San Gabriel’s Vietnam War veterans



Drawing Prize Winners

All about community!

Taking a break from the dancing!

Commander Ogden and his post honor SGVMC Board Member Debbie Cordero for her service to veterans

First of 300 guests check in at the door

San Gabriel’s Vietnam War Veterans holding letters of gratitude and recognition from two US presidents for their service and sacrifice





Grand Prize Winner Gloria

SGVMC Board of Directors meet with California State Senator Susan Rubio to discuss our dream of a San Gabriel Veterans’ Memorial.

l-r: Danny Acosta, Danny Mireles, Theresa Justiniani, Sonia Villaseñor, Senator Rubio, Danny Tovar, Alvin Sanchez, Ray Diaz, Tony Higuera, and Art Hernandez. Absent Debbie Cordero.

May 21, 2023

Saturday, April 15, 2023

California State Senator Bob Archuleta, Chair of the State Senate Committee on Military and Veterans Affairs, met with vets and San Gabriel Veterans’ Memorial Coalition and military veteran supporters to discuss the importance of a veterans’ memorial monument at Smith Park. Thank you, Senator Archuleta for your military service and your devotion to veterans.

Danny Mireles and Senator Bob Archuleta

SGVMC Board of Directors member Danny Mireles meets with California State Senator Bob Archuleta. Sen. Archuleta is a US Army veteran and currently serves as the Chair of the Senate Committee on Military and Veterans Affairs.

November 6, 2022

Honoring Miguel “Mike” Valdivia

The Inaugural San Gabriel Veterans’ Memorial Coalition Luncheon honored World War II veteran and longtime San Gabriel resident and businessman Miguel “Mike” Valdivia. Mr. Valdivia was honorably discharged from the Navy on July 11, 1946 with the rank of Ship’s Cook Third Class after fighting in the Pacific aboard the USS Orvetta (IX-157) and USS LST-398 during WWII. Mr. Valdivia celebrated his 96th birthday this past October 3. Thank you for your service and sacrifice, Mr. Valdivia. San Gabriel is proud of you.

July 4, 2022

Veterans march in the 2022 San Gabriel Independence Day Parade!


Veterans march in the 2022 San Gabriel Independence Day Parade! 〰️