The SGVMC received a $500 check donation from S.G American Legion Reyner Aguirre Post 748, presented by Commander Lucas Lee to our board directors Ray Diaz and Alvin Sanchez.

Thank you!

On Memorial Day 2024, elected officials from the city, State, and our United States Congressional Representatives recognized the San Gabriel Veterans’ Memorial Coalition for it’s efforts to support Veterans past and present who have served our nation. It is our vision to establish a Veterans’ Memorial monument in recognition of the sacrifices made by our citizen soldiers over the decades.

November 10th, 2023, Veterans Day Ceremony

Our Mission

Create and maintain a place of high honor in San Gabriel’s Plaza Park, a monument to the service and sacrifices of the San Gabriel’s US military veterans. Assist veterans and their families with referrals and advocacy. The monument will memorialize the names of those San Gabriel veterans past and present who served their country and were honorably discharged.  The monument will be a permanent statement of appreciation of citizens of San Gabriel.  

Let us know what you think of building a memorial on Facebook or send us a message using the form below.

If you support this project, please contact your San Gabriel City Council members and urge them to reserve a place in Plaza Park for the San Gabriel Veterans’ Memorial monument!

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us with any questions or comments.
Email Mail P.O. Box 357, San Gabriel, CA 91778-357

Phone (626) 808-8420